Use this menu to undo your last action, to manipulate text or graphics, to select the entire contents of a document, and to show what’s on the Clipboard.
Edit menu
Use this menu to undo your last action, to manipulate text or graphics, to select the entire contents of a document, and to show what’s on the Clipboard.
Undoes your last action. In general, you can use this command to replace material you have cut or cleared or to remove material you have pasted or typed.
Undoes your last action if it involved cutting, clearing, pasting, or typing.
Not available now because your last action cannot be undone.
Removes the selected text and places it temporarily into a storage area called the Clipboard.
Removes the selected text and places it temporarily into a storage area called the Clipboard.
Not available now because nothing is selected.
Copies the selected text into a storage area called the Clipboard. The original selection remains where it is.
Copies the selected text into a storage area called the Clipboard. The original selection remains where it is.
Not available now because nothing is selected.
Inserts the contents of the Clipboard at the location of the insertion point, replacing the current selection if any.
Inserts the contents of the Clipboard at the location of the insertion point, replacing the current selection if any.
Not available now either because there is nothing on the Clipboard or its contents have the wrong type.
Removes the selected text.
Removes the selected text without storing it on the Clipboard.
Not available now because nothing is selected.
Selects the entire contents of the frontmost window.
Selects the entire contents of the frontmost window.
Not available now because no document is open or because the frontmost window is empty.
Opens a window displaying the current contents of the Clipboard.
File menu
Use this menu to open, close, save, and print session logs, and to quit.
File menu
Use this menu to open, close, save, and print session logs, and to quit.
Displays a dialog box that allows you to select an existing Serial of Champions log to open.
Closes the frontmost window.
Closes the frontmost window.
Not available because no window is open.
Displays a dialog box in which you can select paper size, orientation, and other printing options.
Displays a dialog box in which you can select paper size, orientation, and other printing options.
Not available because no document is open.
Displays a dialog box which lets you print the log file associated with the front most log file window. You can also specify the number of copies you want to print and other printing options.
Displays Displays a dialog box which lets you print the log file associated with the front most log file window. You can also specify the number of copies you want to print and other printing options.
Not available because no document is open.
Quits Serial of Champions.
This menu lets you configure Serial of Champions and turn its monitoring actions off or back on.
This command lets you tell Serial of Champions to stop monitoring serial activity altogether. You can resume monitoring by either restarting your computer or using the SC On command.
This command lets you tell Serial of Champions to stop monitoring serial activity altogether. You can resume monitoring by either restarting your computer or using the "Turn SoC On" command.
Currently not available because it is already turned off.
This command lets you tell Serial of Champions to resume its monitoring operations.
This command lets you tell Serial of Champions to resume its monitoring operations.
Currently not available because it is already monitoring.
This menu lets you perform actions on the session for frontmost open Status window.
This menu lets you perform actions on the session for frontmost open Status window. Currently not available because a Status window is not open or frontmost.
This command lets you reset the statistics for a session (including session start time) back to initial values. This essentially restarts the statistics gathering.
This command lets you reset the statistics for a session (including session start time) back to initial values. This essentially restarts the statistics gathering. Not currently available because a Status window is not frontmost.
This command lets you Freeze or unFreeze the updating of the statistics in the active Status window.
This command lets you Freeze or unFreeze the updating of the statistics in the active Status window. Not currently available because a Status window is not active.
Lets you open or bring to the front the default log window or Status windows for currently active sessions.
Loads the current Serial of Champions default log and shows its contents to you in a scrollable window.
Port used by the application.
The name of the application using the port.
Date and time that the session started. You can reset this time and all other statistics using the "Reset Statistics" menu command in the Sessions menu.
The time which has elapsed since the beginning of the session.
Percent of the session's elapsed time spent transmitting data.
Percent of the session's elapsed time spent receiving data.
Percent of the session's elapsed time spent processing locally (percent of time spent not receiving data, sending data, or waiting on a response from the remote computer.
Percent of the session's elapsed time spent waiting on responses from the remote computer.
Percent of the session's elapsed time spent transmitting or receiving data.
This shows the current effective communications speed in bits-per-second and the speed to which the serial port is currently set.